Readers Group
18 Main Street, Lenox, MA, United StatesA group for kids who love to read! This is a low-key group where students in grades 5-8 share what book they are reading at that time, how it is and if they would recommend [...]
A group for kids who love to read! This is a low-key group where students in grades 5-8 share what book they are reading at that time, how it is and if they would recommend [...]
Story Time will be held indoors in a well-ventilated room today due to the projected cloudy and wet forecast. See you there! Join Youth Librarian Jenney for a fun outside story time! We’ll sing songs [...]
Get your hands dirty this season with the Lenox Library Youth Garden Club! Join a Berkshire Botanical Garden educator and care for the library garden by planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting. Each session will include [...]
Sábados a las 11:00 a.m. a la biblioteca Lenox. Únase con nosotros para leer libros y cantar canciones! Para niños pequeños y sus familias. Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. at the Lenox Library. Join us for [...]
Musical performers Terry a la Berry and Friends are back for their 14th season! Fun interactive music for our littlest friends. Every Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. through the summer. Come join in the fun! Performances [...]
The folks from Wingmasters are back to discuss all things raptor! The presentation incorporates visits with six live birds of prey - hawks, falcons and owls. Come learn about these magnificent creatures! This program is [...]
Held INDOORS today. Musical performers Terry a la Berry and Friends are back for their 14th season! Fun interactive music for our littlest friends. Come join in the fun! This program is generously funded by [...]
Get your hands dirty this season with the Lenox Library Youth Garden Club! Join a Berkshire Botanical Garden educator and care for the library garden by planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting. Each session will include [...]
Gaia Roots presents a unique live, educational and inspirational performance that blends traditional, folkloric drumming and singing with original creations and arrangements. This interactive concert features soaring vocal harmonies in multiple languages, intricate percussion and [...]
Get your hands dirty this season with the Lenox Library Youth Garden Club! Join a Berkshire Botanical Garden educator and care for the library garden by planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting. Each session will include [...]
Today's group will be held indoors, in an air conditioned space. Come join us for songs, bounces and tickles. Then time for play and chatting. This is a low key and judgement-free group. Babies of [...]
We are excited to welcome back Mary Jo Maichack! Come have an ocean of fun with stories and songs of the sea! Sing along to lively sea chanteys, enjoy amazing puppets, dance, laugh and clap [...]
Tom Knight has been delighting children and their grown-ups with his original, interactive, musical puppet shows since 1988. His unique blend of musicianship and puppetry celebrates reading with original hand-made puppets, catchy songs, and lots [...]
Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. at the Lenox Library. Join us for books and songs! For young children and their families who want to learn and listen to Spanish stories and songs. Sábados a las 11:00 [...]
CactusHead Puppets will perform "Magnificent Monster Circus"! Come one, come all, to a circus like no other! Encounter magnificent creatures from the wilds of your imagination as their quirky human caretaker tries to teach them [...]
(Due to the expected high heat, Story Time will be held indoors today in an air conditioned space. Masks are optional but encouraged.) Join Youth Librarian Jenney for a fun story time! We’ll sing songs [...]
Due to the expected high heat today, Youth Garden Club has been postponed to next week, August 11, 2022. Get your hands dirty this season with the Lenox Library Youth Garden Club! Join a Berkshire [...]
Author Carolinda Goodman will be here to read from her picture book for children: Once in a Full Moon. Her reading will be followed by a moon themed craft. Come join in the fun! Best for [...]
Note: Today is a make-up session. Garden Club will take place again next week as well. Get your hands dirty this season with the Lenox Library Youth Garden Club! Join a Berkshire Botanical Garden educator [...]
We are excited to have Bryson Lang back this summer! At Bryson’s show you’ll see: flying sombreros, sharp sickles, huge spinning rings, upside down bounce-juggling, giant beach balls, glo-in-the-dark objects, a tennis racquet, and always [...]
Get your hands dirty this season with the Lenox Library Youth Garden Club! Join a Berkshire Botanical Garden educator and care for the library garden by planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting. Each session will include [...]
We will celebrate a summer of reading by eating ice cream (of course!), doing some pet-themed crafts and presenting a check to the Berkshire Humane Society. All children who have participated in the Summer Reading [...]
Get your hands dirty this season with the Lenox Library Youth Garden Club! Join a Berkshire Botanical Garden educator and care for the library garden by planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting. Each session will include [...]
Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. at the Lenox Library. Join us for books and songs! For young children and their families who want to learn and listen to Spanish stories and songs. Sábados a las 11:00 [...]
Get your hands dirty this season with the Lenox Library Youth Garden Club! Join a Berkshire Botanical Garden educator and care for the library garden by planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting. Each session will include [...]
9/22/22: Due to rain, today's story time will be held inside the Welles Gallery at 10:30. We’ll sing songs and read books, followed by an open play time. Masks are optional but encouraged.
This week we will make cheerful butterflies from recycled paper rolls, paper, and buttons. This craft is best for children ages 4 and older. No registration necessary. This craft idea came from the book Fun [...]
This week we will be making Tissue Paper Jar Luminairs using old jars, tissue paper and Mod Podge. This project is best for children ages 5 and older. No registration necessary. This craft idea came [...]
Lenox Library is pleased to present Parenting Neurodiverse Kids & Teens: How to Be Less Stressed & Help Your Kids Thrive with Caitlin Meister on Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. This program is [...]