Meet the Artist: Yvette Lucas (Virtual)

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Lenox Library is pleased to partner with the Guild of Berkshire Artists to bring you a virtual meet the artist presentation with photographer Yvette Lucas on Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. via Zoom.  Yvette will talk about her process and demonstrate various techniques she uses to explore nature inspired by the Berkshires.

This program will be held via Zoom.  Please click HERE to access the meeting.

Meeting ID: 836 5229 8285

Passcode: 786544

Artist’s statement: Nature, in its many forms, dominates the images that fascinate me. I feel life most intensely in a natural environment, in its elemental state: water, rock, tree, soil and sky come together again and again in infinite designs and patterns that breathe, grow and change. A living artwork, the land speaks to me most through its details, short stories and vignettes, rather than broad expanses of landscape.


This series of tree photographs began in Western Massachusetts in the Southern Berkshire region, a place of retreat and renewal for my family. It is a collection of images that has grown to include the parks, woods, and gardens of other parts of the country especially New Jersey where I live. During walks, hikes and explorations, I found that particular trees stood out to make their presence known. They interact with the observer in their surroundings not just in their grandness, but with the stories they tell, sparking our imaginations to see and feel their individuality if we give them the time.

As trees grow they are affected by the many elements they come in contact with. Just like us, their environment helps or hinders the growth and final form they take. The subsequent scars, diseases, and catastrophes that can befall each of them create a being that is different from any other tree. To the human viewer these blemishes could be considered beautiful and add to the character and “personality” of a tree as they do people. My photographs focus on the trees that tell stories, awe, or communicate with their environment in a visual and emotional way. Acknowledging the symbiotic relationship we have with them is to remember that we are part of the earth and its complicated system.”

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