Banned Books
“Not every book is right for every person, but providing a wide range of reading choices is vital for learning, exploration and imagination. The abilities to read, speak, think and express ourselves freely are core [...]
“Not every book is right for every person, but providing a wide range of reading choices is vital for learning, exploration and imagination. The abilities to read, speak, think and express ourselves freely are core [...]
Photos and article by Claire Cox. A record of $29,000 was raised at the Lenox Library’s fifteenth annual book sale during the last weekend in August, thanks to the efforts of volunteers and the support [...]
From Sherry Gaherty It all started with watching a DVD based on a book I had read in high school where I already knew the ending of the story. It continued through 3 more books [...]
So…you’ve seen our Sepia Trees exhibit, and the stroll down Memory Lane inspires you to take a new stroll of your own. Or, perhaps you’ve recently read The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost and [...]
The Lenox Library Association’s first-annual ScrabbleRouser tournament was a success, with 20 players representing Kripalu, The Berkshire Eagle, and several local families. This fun event was packed with 3 rounds of Scrabble, a game of [...]
Just in time for the fall foliage, the Reference Department has a photo exhibit titled “Sepia Trees," on display in the tall glass case outside our Special Collections Room. The case is filled with photos [...]