From the Western MA Regional Library System (WMRLS) website and WMRLS blog:

“On Friday, March 05, 2010, the 12th Annual Berkshire Library Legislative Breakfast was held at the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge. Fifty-seven trustees, librarians, and friends from all over Berkshire County took the opportunity to express their support of libraries and their concerns about cuts in state funding for libraries. Senator Ben Downing and Representative Smitty Pignatelli confirmed the need to make our voices heard in Boston and asked for letters supporting state funding for regional library systems (7000-9401) and library technology (7000-9506). Constituent letters help them persuade their colleagues of the needs of western Massachusetts.”

I was one of the librarians attending this event, along with Library Board President Becky Sorrentino. Emotions ran high as speaker after speaker expressed their dismay in the 29% cut in state funding for regional library systems in the governor’s proposed budget. This cut will force the dismantling of the six regional systems (including our own WMRLS) to create a consolidated statewide system, most likely headquartered in Waltham.

At one point, Smitty Pignatelli, who had already taken his turn at the podium, was so moved by the palpable frustration and anger in the room that he got up to speak to us again.

Looking over to where I was sitting, Smitty said “it’s not enough for Amy Lafave to ask me to support our libraries. I know where she stands on this issue. I need to hear from your patrons as well.”

The Friends of WMRLS website has more information on the impact of this cut for western Massachusetts libraries. There are links to our representatives in Boston, including members of the Ways and Means Committee. I’ve also posted the email addresses of the legislators representing Lenox constituents below:

Representative William Smitty Pignatelli Rep.Smitty@Hou.State.MA.US

Senator Benjamin B. Downing

This issue is important to anyone who has requested material – a book, a DVD, a compact disc, an audiobook – from another library in western MA, because that item didn’t sprout wings and fly to Lenox.